What is Remedial Massage
Massage is simply the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body – the muscles, tendons and ligaments. A massage therapist’s hands are his most important tool through which he not only treats the patient but also detects physical and emotional problems. Massage works through the various body systems in one of two ways, mechanical action and reflex action. Mechanical action is created by moving the muscles and soft tissues of the body using pressure and stretching movement, thereby cleansing them of acids and deposits. This mechanical action breaks up fibrous tissue and loosens stiff joints. A reflex is created when treatment of one part of the body affects another part of the body, much like pressing a light switch on a wall to turn on a light in the centre of the room. Just like this electric connection, so too are different parts of the body connected to each other not just by flesh and bone but by nerve pathways, or flows of energy known as ‘meridians’. So, by using reflex action, some therapists will treat a patient’s stomach complaint by massaging the arms and will alleviate pain in the legs by massaging the lower back.
Trigger Point
Dry Needling
What does treatment involve?
Each massage session will last 60-90 minutes, and will take place in a quiet room on a massage table. The patient will lie down undressed and the therapist will cover the parts of the body not being worked on with towels. Therapy will often start with the feet or with light stroking on the back to introduce you to the touch and for relaxation. The therapist will use oils and will work methodically around the whole body. The number of appointments required will depend upon the seriousness of the health problem. The massage therapist will treat the patient through four stages of healing – relief, correction, strengthening and maintenance. For relief, the therapist will aim to alleviate any pain by sedating the sensory nerves, stimulating blood flow and reducing muscle tension, possibly by using hot and cold compresses. Secondly, for correction, the therapist will need to alleviate the underlying cause by rebalancing the muscles, clearing away lymph congestion and unknotting any fibres through various techniques of massage. For strengthening, the weak joints and tissues should undergo continuing treatment to avoid repeated or additional injury.
Remedial Massage
(Health Fund Rebates available)
Remedial Massage is the objective assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of the signs, symptoms and causes of biomechanical dysfunction or injury, using specific soft tissue mobilisation techniques, in order to restore normal health and function.
Deep Tissue Massage focuses on the deeper layers of soft tissue in order to reach the deep sections of thick muscles and individual muscle fibres. Using deep muscle compression and friction manoeuvres either along the muscle fibres or across the grain of the muscle to free congestion/adhesion of the fibres of the muscles, deep tensions, and improve blood flow and oxygen delivery.
Sports Therapy Massage is an application of a range of massage techniques. The type of massage technique or treatment applied is dependent on the nature of the stage of training or competition, sports injury or condition and the assessment by the remedial Massage Therapist & Myotherapist. Sports therapy massage involves the objective assessment and treatment of the athlete. The focus being on prevention and treatment of sports related conditions. It includes preparation prior to competition both physically and psychologically and subsequent recovery from training and competition of amateur and elite level athletes.
available around set classes
Remedial Massage Treatments
(Include Trigger Points-Dry Needling-Myofascial Release or Cupping-Manual Lymph. Drainage)
Remedial Massage Therapy is available around set classes
Initial consult $100
$65 for 30 min. – $95 for 60 min. – $150 for 75 min.
Contact us to book an appointment.
Trigger Point
Remedial Massage
Within the Remedial Massage setting your therapist may use Trigger Point Therapy(TpT) and/or Dry Needling(DN) to alleviate muscular pain restore muscle fibers and balance the muscles. Also TpT and DN techniques may be used in rehabilitation treatments.
Trigger point therapy involves graded pressure on the point of pain in the scale of 1-10.
Clinically, myofascial trigger points are easily identified as painful areas in a muscle. These microscopic changes occur in muscle fibers causing them to contract and chronically shorten. This is usually due to the overloading or incorrect loading of the muscle. One theory suggests that oxygen and nutrients that are supplied to the trigger point are constantly compromised. This leads to a sustained contraction, that is unable to resolve itself.
Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy, also known as “Trigger Point Therapy”, refers to the treatment of myofascial trigger points (MTrP) or ‘trigger points’ (TrP) that are found in muscles and fascia. Myofascial trigger points are painful, tense areas that affect muscles and fascia. Myofascial trigger points can be found anywhere on the body and are one of the most common causes for chronic musculoskeletal pain, also known as myofascial pain. A certified Trigger Point Therapist can release these painful and tense points in a muscle and assist in achieving long-term results. There are two primary methods for treating trigger points, Manual Trigger Point Therapy and Dry Needling.
available around set classes
Remedial Massage Treatments
(Include Trigger Points-Dry Needling-Myofascial Release or Cupping-Manual Lymph. Drainage)
Remedial Massage Therapy is available around set classes
Initial consult $100
$65 for 30 min. – $95 for 60 min. – $150 for 75 min.
Contact us to book an appointment.
The goals of myofascial trigger point therapy:
- improve blood circulation to the trigger zone
- stretching of the taut band
- release of surrounding fasciae
The Methods
There are several ways to treat trigger points. Manual Trigger Point Therapy, Dry Needling and the combination of these two techniques, have been shown to be highly effective. Manual Trigger Point Therapy includes specific manipulations to the muscles, fascia and connective tissues. Dry Needling includes the use of sterile disposable acupuncture needles to improve circulation and blood flow to the affected muscle trigger point areas. This helps to promote healing and reduce pain. The more accurate the treatment is on the affected trigger point, the better the results.
Georgia holds accreditation for both techniques from the Massage and Myotherapy association as well as the School of Dry Needling.
available around set classes
Remedial Massage Treatments
(Include Trigger Points-Dry Needling-Myofascial Release or Cupping-Manual Lymph. Drainage)
Remedial Massage Therapy is available around set classes
Initial consult $100
$65 for 30 min. – $95 for 60 min. – $150 for 75 min.
Contact us to book an appointment.
Myotherapy involves the assessment and physical treatment of myofascial pain, injury and dysfunction affecting movement and mobility. Myotherapy is applied in the preventative, corrective and rehabilitative phases of therapy to restore and maintain the normal integrity of the soft tissue structure (muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia) of the human body.
available around set classes
Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a gentle massage technique that is recognised as a key component of manual decongestive therapy. MLD aims to encourage fluid away from congested areas by increasing the activity of normal lymphatics and bypassing ineffective or obliterated lymph vessels in order to reduce swelling and encourage lymph flow. It is highly recommended in the International Consensus – Best Practice for The Management of Lymphoedema.[i]
Remedial massage includes the full scope of practice of Certificate IV (Therapeutic) massage.
Find out more
To find out more information about our Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) performed by Georgia who is qualified in Remedial Massage please click the button below