Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)
MLD is a highly specialised form of massage, which uses light, rhythmical, very precise hand movements, pressures and sequences and requires the therapist to develop a great degree of skill, having an intimate knowledge of the workings of the anatomy of the lymphatic system. The massage works at a skin level to influence the direction and speed of lymphatic flow, re-directing if necessary.
*It is an excellent therapy for rejuvenation as a beauty treatment and can reduce bruising puffiness and fine lines and wrinkles.
*MLD is also an effective treatment for localised post-traumatic oedema after bruising, distortion, fracture, dislocation, or surgical procedures and is useful to complement mobilisation by physical therapy.
There are some people who cannot have MLD, as there are some absolute contra-indications to treatment and some cases where caution is warranted. The MLD therapist takes a full medical history to determine the suitability of the treatment before sessions can commence.
Therapeutic Benefits of MLD
There are many other conditions, that benefit from the application of MLD, because of its propensity to move fluid, but MLD also has other properties that have great therapeutic value besides decongesting tissue.
Because it is a very light massage, utilizing repetitive and continuous hand movements, it has a calming effect on the autonomic nervous system which
Dr Vodder explains as “a change from a sympathetic state to a parasympathetic state” stressing the importance of the lightness of touch so as not to trigger a release of histamines in the tissue which would otherwise overstimulate.
The effect is to induce a state of deep relaxation in the body allowing even the walls of vessels and bowels to be relaxed.
For this reason, MLD is an excellent therapy for sufferers of hypertension.
MLD is also believed to have an analgesic effect based on the Gate Theory where nociceptors (pain receptors) and mechanoreceptors (touch receptors) of the central nervous system share a synapse or pathway. A simplified explanation could be that the touch receptors are stimulated by the light, repetitive touch of MLD, these signals overtake or crowd out those sent by the pain receptors.
MLD will also remove from cells the chemicals associated with the central nervous systems pain response.
In practice, MLD does, indeed, have an analgesic effect.
A logical consequence of MLD is in boosting the immune system.
Lymph stagnation impedes the body’s immunological response so speeding up the workings of the lymphatic system must promote it.
Certainly, people who are receiving MLD on a regular basis, report that they no longer pick up colds and sore throats as frequently as they may have done before having the treatment.
Vodder quotes over 60 different ailments and conditions for which MLD is indicated:
– Migraine
– Whiplash
– Chronic Headaches
– Improve Scar Tissue
– Sinus Congestion
– Repetitive Strain Injury
– Reduce Bruising
– Tendonitis
– Detox
– Tinnitus
– Constipation
– Pregnancy
– Multiple Sclerosis
– Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
– Eczema
– Rheumatoid Arthritis
– Immune Support
– Osteo Arthritis
– Reduce Wrinkles
– Lower Back Pain
Your Therapist Georgia Tzanavaras
Your Therapist Georgia Tzanavaras is a Remedial Massage Therapist that also holds a Certificate in Applied MLD with Dr Vodder’s International School of Manual Lymphatic Drainage. This qualification enables treatments of oedema with patients that haven’t had surgical removal of Lymph nodes.
Excludes Lymphedema (caused by surgery) and CDT therapy. Georgia has 3 years’ experience with this technique

available around set classes
Remedial Massage Treatments
(Include Trigger Points-Dry Needling-Myofascial Release or Cupping-Manual Lymph. Drainage)
Remedial Massage Therapy is available around set classes
Initial consult $100
$65 for 30 min. – $95for 60 min. – $150 for 75 min.
Contact us to book an appointment.